Having problems accessing data from public cloud applications? Use automated data connectors from Ensior to create a complete and synchronised data layer in your cloud applications. These let you bypass cloud application restrictions so you can retrieve complete data on a daily basis and in one go. The Ensior Data Connector lets you organise data collection to a refreshable set of data tables, ready for modelling. Ensior Data Connectors work where simple APIs do not suffice.
What does the Ensior Data Connector do for you?
- Bypasses cloud application restrictions
- Prevents multiple single API calls
- Collects data automatically in one session
- Automates the initial and delta load
- Schedules, automatic collection, e.g. daily
- Instantly queryable set of database tables
- Data merging with existing tables
- Logging of data synchronisation
- Transformations such as normalising data
Ensior Data Connectors:
- AccountView
- Arrow
- Cobra
- Connexys
- Copernica
- Dunning
- Dynamics 365
- Exact Globe
- Exact Online
- Google Analytics
- HubSpot
- JD Edwards
- Magento
- Mailchimp
- Nmbrs
- Payt
- PerfectView
- Picqer
- Raet
- Reeleezee
- RobinHQ
- RouteManager
- SalesFeed
- SalesForce
- SAP BusinessByDesign
- TimeWax
- TopDesk
- Xelion
- Youforce
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